I was reading and that is the lame reason for not writing here!
I was reading about bike touring. I did consider it last year but after a lot of analysis, I boiled it down to a homeless lifestyle with a bicycle. The way the folks who go on really long bike touring trips, lasting several years, does approach the lifestyle I mentioned. But, there is a big difference. Bike tourists have a plan, a route and a goal and sometimes a way to produce income. Homeless folks don't have any of that. So, I think I will try biketouring pretty soon.
Couple of bikes came and left the stable during the unreported time. A Ross Eurosport, and Raleigh Sprite, which was a bit tall for me.
The GT Windstream is finally ready. It has a steel rimmed rear wheel that an unscrupulous rider of East European origin sold me knowing well that I will not be able to get the free wheel off as it is an outdated rarity. Also paid too much for the wheel and it needs truing. But I rode the bike around the neighborhood for a while yesterday.
The orange MGX MTB went to NYC to Summer Streets on 2 Saturdays in August. It has a broken spoke that I will have to replace.
The Fuji Supreme is ready to be built up. I am not spending any more time on cleaning and polishing it. I think I will put a moustache bar on it, the original stem mounted shifters and a couple of brake levers donated by a forum member. It needs a little truing too.
So many things to do and summer is gone.