My first bike purchase in the US was a new Huffy Regatta back in 1984. I was low on cash, having just bought a house with all the savings ($5K) used as down payment for a fixer house. I was starting a relatively well paid job and had the option of buying a house in the same town where my job was and commute by bicycle, if the car I had eventually failed, (It was a rusty AMC Hornet '74 wagon) or buy a new car and postpone the house. Well, we bought the house and also bought the Huffy Regatta, ladies model, so that my wife can ride it, too.
I rode it to work about 3 miles away, as many days as I could, unless it was raining or snowing. Eventually bought a new car in 86. Later, the bike was also used to transport my son to a nursery school and to a YMCA for swimming lessons, as we were a 1 car family. We had installed a plastic child carrier in the back. I still remember taking him on evening rides around the neighborhood and he will doze off dangerously tipping his head and torso on the right side. I would have to hurry home then.
Yes, that Regatta had served us well. I think we sold it when we sold that house and had to move into a smaller apartment.
The picture above is not the same bike, but very close. Mine did not have the rack.